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Amazon Transcribe is a speech recognition service that transcribes audio files into text.
Start the service by creating a transcription job.
Transcribe can identify between two and 10 different speakers in an audio file, and then label segments of its text file to indicate which speaker spoke which words. Transcribe also enables a developer to input files with custom vocabulary -- such as jargon or proper names that are relevant to a particular industry or use case -- to ensure a more accurate text output.
Transcribe integrates with a range of other Amazon services, including Amazon Comprehend, a natural language processing (NLP) service; Amazon Translate, a language translation service; and Amazon Polly, a service that converts text files into speech.
Amazon also imposes a minimum of 15 seconds per Transcribe API request; any audio files under 15 seconds will be billed at 15 seconds.
As of mid-2018, Amazon Transcribe is available in six different regions:
CA-Central-1 (Montreal)
AP-Southeast-2 (Sydney)
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2) Are you allowed to double-down after splitting?
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No surrender – surrender is rarely allowed in single deck and double deck games.
The point of this trainer is to play perfect blackjack strategy.
You can start by consulting the blackjack chart to help you make the right decisions.
But after a while, you should play without looking at the chart.
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